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23rd June 2024

I have rated my experience as poor because the Dr had no knowledge of the issue I wanted to discuss which was PMDD (pre-menstrual disphoric disorder) and fertility checks. I had been offered the in-person appointment by the receptionist after a very poor telephone appointment (I have sent feedback for this). During the in person appointment the Dr was dismissive of my concerns (after googling PMDD he said it was a synonym for PMS and normal), asked me how I thought fertility could be checked, as if I was asking for something that couldnt be done. I explained what I had researched and found out and why I wanted certain blood tests and why they needed to be done on certain days (the Dr gave answers that didnt make sense for what day the bloods should be done). I felt very much like I was on my own with the issue, I understood what I did from my own experience and research and the Dr was unable to offer any deeper insight. He was having to google the condition and tried to downplay it. He asked why I had come to the appointment when I had the blood test booked and I had to explain that the telephone doctor had not ordered all the bloods that needed done. This Dr then did add the additional blood tests and he followed up after the appointment with an additonal test which I greatly appreciated. It is frustrating to come to the Dr, knowledgable and open to discussions, but to find that there is no help in navigating or discussing the issue. I was asked at one point how I knew so much about periods and fertility and I said because I am a woman and I did research. It shocks me that a GP doesnt have the knowledge. I realise they cannot know everything and are time pressured, but a review of notes prior to me attending could have allowed him to have some better advice and i sight. Or, allocating patients to specific specialisms within the practice, or other practices, as in the integrated care framework, would allow improved person centred care and outcomes. Triage is done at the time of booking so I wonder why we arent appointed a Dr with deeper knowledge of an area, this would make for better person centred care and also make the GPs role more straightforward. In terms of fertility the Dr was able to explain that further investigations could only be done if I was experiencing problems or unable to conceive, nothing could be offered prophylactically. I think this is a massive gap in service offered by the NHS; we wait for problems to arise rather than helping people plan and live better in the first instance. I have been offered the blood tests I need, but no mention of a follow up appointment to discuss them and I wouldnt have much confidence that my results could be explained or discussed with me, I feel this is something I will have to decipher myself.

Suggested improvements
Initial triage when booking should then result in a GP with adequate knowledge in the specialism to be allocated to the patient - as mentioned above this could even be within other GP practices, as per the ICF. I would have rather waited for an appointment with someone who knew what I was talking about. This I understand would make the numbers look bad as it would look like a longer wait time but that would be preferable in this situation when its not a health concern causing immediate or imminent illness, because then I may have been able to receive support and advice. Pre-reading of patients concern to allow a proper indepth, informative discussion. The GP I saw didnt know the condition I was concerned about (PMDD), I had to explain it multiple times. Openness to address patient concerns and help and support them. I felt like I was being viewed as a menace, because I was knowledable and able to advocate for myself - I was asked why was I at the appointment, and my answer is the same, because I need assistance navigating whats going on. Had I been someone with less health literacy I would have left the appointment shunned and with no understanding of what could be done. As it stands I feel I only learned what couldnt be done and as I mentioned I feel I will have to understand my blood tests myself and seek other avenues to explore my fertility prophylactically. I think there are easy wins here; more efficient triaging and consideration of the presenting condition when matching patient to GP.
