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Written by a patient
21st November 2014

I was recently referred to Dr Madan for Mohs surgery to remove a Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC skin cancer) from the bridge of my nose. Feeling naturally very anxious about this, when I first met with Dr Madan he immediately put me at ease. He explained very clearly what Mohs surgery would involve and reassured me that he would a) be able to remove the skin cancer successfully, and b) would aim to leave me with the best possible cosmetic outcome. Whilst removal of the skin cancer was naturally the most important thing, being a 42 year old woman, the latter was also extremely important for me (you can’t hide your nose!). Dr Madan explained the process in detail and explained how he would complete a skin graft to repair the damage left by the removal of the BCC. He recommended that skin be taken from the upper part of my nose so that the result would be the same coloured skin. It is this precision and attention to detail that I will be eternally grateful for. Throughout the surgery (during which I was awake), Dr Madan and the specialist nurse were fantastic, explaining exactly what they were doing at every step. This clarity helped me control my nervousness as I was not left questioning what was happening to me. As regards the recovery process, my expectations were managed in full and I knew exactly what to expect. Whilst the first few days post-surgery wasn’t great (as my face was sore and swollen), thereafter I started to heal well. It is now 5 weeks post my surgery and I am very happy with how my scar is healing. I am actually starting to believe that I will look normal again! I would highly recommend Dr Madan to anyone who needed similar treatment. Whilst naturally Dr Madan is a competent and credible practitioner, I also found him to be a very caring specialist who was incredibly professional and expressly clear with me throughout the process and I am very grateful that I was referred to him. I would like to say thanks for his support in what was an unplanned episode in my life.
