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Written by a carer
15th December 2014

My 18 yr old daughter recently suffered from severe cystic acne. We were let down by our local GP who was extremely slow to making a referral to a dermatologist (in fact only did so when I demanded one). By this time my daughter's acne has developed into full blown large cysts covering various areas of her face and near to one eye. As soon as we saw Dr Madan he started treatment immediately with medication and also cortisoid injections - the effects were amazing. The lumps had almost completely disappeared within less than a week. Dr Madan was extremely thoughtful when speaking to my daughter, emphasised greatly with her and we immediately felt comfortable with him. He knew straight away the best route to take and was very considerate when dealing with my daughter. He completely changed my daughter's life around in less than one week - she went from having zero confidence and not wanting to leave the house to being happy and carefree. Absolutely amazing! Dr Madan is very friendly, attentive, caring and considerate and it has been a blessing to be able to be treated by this man. I couldn't recommend anyone better.
