Mr Yadava Jeve was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at The Priory Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
5th September 2023

I have now completed my first cycle of egg freezing to preserve my fertility under Mr Jeve’s excellent care. All throughout, I received great care from Mr Jeve (p4 fertility) as well as the staff in The Fertility Centre at The Priory Hospital. My treatment did cost more than first anticipated, as my dosages of injectable medication had to be increased in line with my body’s response to the treatment, as seen on each of the scans. The entire cycle took additional time to complete also due to my body’s response, so perhaps I had more contact with Mr Jeve (through the fertility team nurses) than most patients under his care would experience. There was also a change in the final ‘trigger’ injection type - my initial package of medication prescribed came as one total cost, but each addition/change in my prescription was itemised and had to be paid for separately. Overall, I believe Mr Jeve (p4 fertility) & The Fertility Centre kept the costs down as low as possible under these constantly changing circumstances. Unfortunately, I had a rare complication following my egg collection, which resulted in an emergency admission to an NHS hospital for 5 days as an in-patient, followed by outpatient’s appointments for a couple of weeks after that. I kept Mr Jeve informed via email, as well as The Fertility Centre, who phoned me every couple of days for an update. The team as a whole at The Priory Hospital were brilliant and I learned so much from them through this process. I look forward to working with Mr Jeve again for my 2nd cycle of fertility preservation. I highly recommend Mr Jeve to kick start your long-awaited fertility journey.

Written by a private patient at Birmingham Women's Hospital
15th August 2023

Thank you Dr Jeve for not only your world class skills but bringing with you such kindness and genuine care at each of our consultations. You are truly one of a kind, and we will forever be in your debt for your hospitality and the miracle you helped us create. Best Regards Raj and Kem

Written by a private patient at Birmingham Women's Hospital
29th July 2023

Dr Jeve is a brilliant consultant and I trust him implicitly. Dr Jeve he has demonstrated empathy and care and has always been open and honest with regards to my treatment. He has always taken the time to throughly explain my treatment which has really helped my confidence with receiving such treatment. He is the first consultant I have come across with whom I feel so completelty comfortable with and would recommend to him anyone.

Written by a private patient at The Priory Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
18th July 2023

Dr Jeve is not only an amazing Dr but a very kind and caring person. He is very knowledgeable and put us at ease throughout. I had HyCoSy for peace of mind more than anything and was dreading the process after reading everywhere about how bad it hurts. Let me tell you that it didn't hurt at all!!! I couldn't even believe it was over when it was. He goes above and beyond for his patients even if it's just for their peace of mind. He always welcomes phone calls if ever worried about anything. I would highly recommend him!

Written by a NHS patient at Birmingham Women's Hospital
5th July 2023

A lovely doctor. Everything was explained and all questions answered.


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Mr Yadava Jeve is a fertility consultant at BMI The Priory Hospital in Birmingham and the Birmingham Women’s Hospital. He is an accredited subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery. He is a specialist in various fertility investigations and treatments including IVF, ICSI, egg freezing, poor ovarian response, recurrent implantation failure, premature ovarian insufficiency, donor egg treatment, surrogacy, and reproductive endocrinology. He is a competent laparoscopic and hysteroscopy surgeon with a special interest in managing conditions affecting fertility.