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Written by a patient at The Princess Grace Hospital
28th April 2020

Diagnosed with an enlarged prostate in 2013, I experienced a benign TRUS biopsy and was subsequently monitored by regular PSA testing and scans suggested by the consultant team at University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire. The results indicated a large prostate and fortunately no obvious signs of cancer. My urine flow was weak but it came as a shock to suddenly experience acute retention early in October 2019. A very painful trip to A&E resulted in catheterisation. The pain stopped and although I remained active I felt that the quality of my life had been severely compromised. My local consultant suggested the best way forward was to learn self-catheterisation. The look on my face spoke of my reaction, but I agreed to at least think about it. In the meantime I spoke with an old friend who had experienced the same symptoms and had undergone a very successful Holep procedure in Kent. I researched this and discovered that it was not available in Warwickshire. However I did discover references to Mr Tev Aho a leading and very successful surgeon specialising in this modern procedure. I rejected the offer of self-catheterisation and asked my consultant to refer me to Mr Aho. He told me that if he were ever to need this procedure, Mr Aho would be his choice of surgeon. The referral was made but by early December I had not received a response. I decided to contact Mr Aho’s private secretary directly, who turned out to be the wonderfully understanding and helpful Janice Haddock. I obtained the referral from my GP, photographed it, E-mailed it to Janet, who told me that Mr Aho might be able to add me to his list for early January, great progress! Fifteen minutes later Janet phoned me back; she had spoken to Mr Aho and he had suggested that if I could get to London for a pre op. assessment on 4th December he could carry out the procedure at the Princess Grace Hospital the following Saturday 7th December. Everything worked perfectly and after an overnight stay I was able to return home and prepare for a catheter free Christmas, the best gift I have ever received. Throughout, Mr Aho provided clear information and inspired my absolute confidence in a successful outcome. This was well placed. I was driving again within a couple of days and despite initially a sizeable investment in Tena, began a swift period of recovery aided by daily pelvic floor exercises; by mid February I was really functioning better than I had for years, in fact completely normally. My review in March had to be on the telephone, but resulted in Mr Aho being able to discharge me, although he will continue to monitor my future PSA results. I can’t thank him enough for restoring my quality of life. He tops my list of people I’m most glad to have met. I would unhesitatingly recommend Mr Aho, his team and Holep to anyone in a similar position and hope that through his regional training programmes an even greater number of men can benefit from this advanced and highly effective procedure. Ian Balmer Warwickshire

Written by a patient at The Princess Grace Hospital
28th April 2020

Diagnosed with an enlarged prostate in 2013, I experienced a benign TRUS biopsy and was subsequently monitored by regular PSA testing and scans suggested by the consultant team at University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire. The results indicated a large prostate and fortunately no obvious signs of cancer. My urine flow was weak but it came as a shock to suddenly experience acute retention early in October 2019. A very painful trip to A&E resulted in catheterisation. The pain stopped and although I remained active I felt that the quality of my life had been severely compromised. My local consultant suggested the best way forward was to learn self-catheterisation. The look on my face spoke of my reaction, but I agreed to at least think about it. In the meantime I spoke with an old friend who had experienced the same symptoms and had undergone a very successful Holep procedure in Kent. I researched this and discovered that it was not available in Warwickshire. However I did discover references to Mr Tev Aho a leading and very successful surgeon specialising in this modern procedure. I rejected the offer of self-catheterisation and asked my consultant to refer me to Mr Aho. He told me that if he were ever to need this procedure, Mr Aho would be his choice of surgeon. The referral was made but by early December I had not received a response. I decided to contact Mr Aho’s private secretary directly, who turned out to be the wonderfully understanding and helpful Janice Haddock. I obtained the referral from my GP, photographed it, E-mailed it to Janet, who told me that Mr Aho might be able to add me to his list for early January, great progress! Fifteen minutes later Janet phoned me back; she had spoken to Mr Aho and he had suggested that if I could get to London for a pre op. assessment on 4th December he could carry out the procedure at the Princess Grace Hospital the following Saturday 7th December. Everything worked perfectly and after an overnight stay I was able to return home and prepare for a catheter free Christmas, the best gift I have ever received. Throughout, Mr Aho provided clear information and inspired my absolute confidence in a successful outcome. This was well placed. I was driving again within a couple of days and despite initially a sizeable investment in Tena, began a swift period of recovery aided by daily pelvic floor exercises; by mid February I was really functioning better than I had for years, in fact completely normally. My review in March had to be on the telephone, but resulted in Mr Aho being able to discharge me, although he will continue to monitor my future PSA results. I can’t thank him enough for restoring my quality of life. He tops my list of people I’m most glad to have met. I would unhesitatingly recommend Mr Aho, his team and Holep to anyone in a similar position and hope that through his regional training programmes an even greater number of men can benefit from this advanced and highly effective procedure. Ian Balmer Warwickshire


The degree of professional care I received from the team led by Mr Tev Aho was quite exemplary the Operation was absolutely text book world class and highly successful . I consider myself to be most fortunate in every way to have my required urology treatment processed by this highly skilled team and enacted at the Princess Grace Hospital in London with its high standards . Pre-Op and Post-Op procedures fall into the same category

10th April 2020
Written by a patient at Addenbrooke's Hospital
6th April 2020

Apologies for my delay in writing this review, In June 2019 I underwent HoLep surgery under the care of Mr Aho at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge. From requiring a catheter due to retention, which occurred spontaneously,I now have a perfectly normal life. The care and courteous treatment I received was absolutely first class, from reading previous reviews of Mr Aho to eventually meeting him I was in no doubt whatsoever that I was in very capable hands. For anyone in any doubt about this procedure I can honestly say, that in my case I have completely recovered in every way. The procedure is quick and within a few hours I was back on the road to recovery, absolutely minimal discomfort and left the daycare unit the day after surgery, if anyone has any reservations I would be more than happy to respond to emails concerning any aspect of this procedure.

Written by a patient at The Princess Grace Hospital
3rd April 2020

I endured my first prostate biopsy in 2016. The procedure was akin to being kicked in the backside by a horse and then being anally raped by a swarm of angry wasps. Severe prostatitis followed 6 months later. The only option at that time was radical prostatectomy so I left it as it was. Dysuria and nocturia became the norm and I lived with it. In September 2019 after surgery to my left foot my creatinine level was found to be abnormally high. A bladder scan revealed acute urine retention and a catheter was fitted on the 3rd December. After waiting 3 months for a HoLEP I gave up and went private. That appointment was cancelled with 4 hours notice on the 10th March. In desperation I sought out the Cambridge Urology Partnership and was relieved to get a consultation with Tev Aho the next day. After the consultation with Tev I felt relief and hope for the first time in 3 months. My HoLEP was carried out at the Princess Grace Hospital just 9 days later and joy, the catheter was removed at 06.15 the following morning. After 3 months of complete misery Tev has given me my life back. The day after getting home I started peeing normally. 3 days later urine was clear of blood. Today, just 2 weeks later, I have been back gently pottering on my allotment. Apart from some slight burning / stinging functions are completely normal. I can smile again. Words are completely inadequate to express my gratitude to Tev who fitted me in before the covid19 lockdown, Janice, Mater and the team at Princess Grace. Andy Croft, Bedford


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Mr Aho's main specialty areas are male lower urinary tract symptoms/urinary retention and kidney cancer. Mr Aho offers Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP) and Urolift for men with urinary problems and is the most experienced HoLEP surgeon in the UK having performed more than 1,800 procedures. He is also very experienced in laparoscopic and open kidney surgery