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Written by a NHS patient at Royal Bolton Hospital
8th January 2022

After being ill for several months and seeing other doctors who were happy just to give me tablets I eventually saw Mr varghese and how things changed my problem was a very large hernia which had protruded into chest near the heart He immediately took charge explained the seriousness of it and arranged surgery within two weeks He did the surgery himself which was an operation over 3 hours It has been very successful and I feel great Mr varghese is the best most compassionate doctor I have seen Explains things in great detail puts you at ease Been for 6 month check up and everything good Cannot praise him enough Pity all doctors aren't the same As I said I saw another doctor 7 months previous to seeing Mr varghese with the same problem His answer was to just take omeprozale I asked him what about the hernia He said hmm there can be complications so just take the tablets and discharged me Thankfully after a second emergency admission I got to see Mr varghese who took immediate action and got things moving What a wonderful caring man he is No suggestions needed to improve He is a credit to the NHS

Written by a NHS patient at Royal Bolton Hospital
2nd December 2021

Mr Varghese is a very caring man. He came highly recommended and I was not disappointed. He dealt with me as if I was the only patient he had , ringing my husband immediately I came out of surgery to assure him that the operation had gone well. I cannot sing his praises highly enough and would recommend him to anyone. I can now look forward with confidence to a lovely Christmas and future. Thank you Mr Varghese.

Written by a NHS patient at Royal Bolton Hospital
14th October 2021

I have been under Mr Varghese's care for anumber of years following an operation for a large hiatus hernia. Complications arose after the operation and the attention and care provided by Mr Varghese during the ensuing years has been excellent. He is the most caring person. Communication through his secretary was very reassuring. I cannot thank Mr Varghese enough.

Written by a private patient at The Beaumont Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
11th October 2021

Mr Varghese was honest, kind and very caring throughout the time I was under his medical care. He provided guidance to ensure I was in the best possible health prior to my major surgery for multiple incisional hernia surgery. Prior to surgery, Mr Varghese provided clear explanation of the procedure he would be conducting and assurance of his giving the best possible medical outcomes. Following surgery Mr Varghese made multiple visits to check my recovery and even came into the hospital to check on me on his day off. The after-care given by Mr Varghese was exemplary and I could not have asked for a kinder, more caring surgeon. The guidance and surgery given has given to me a much improved life. I would highly recommend Mr Varghese

Written by a NHS patient at Royal Bolton Hospital
4th October 2021

Dr Varghese was very polite and caring through my operation and after care he answered very question i asked him and a very lovely man thank you Doctor


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Specialises in

  • General surgery


Consultant Upper GI and General surgeon.
With a specialist interest in Upper GI, Laparoscopic surgery.
Specialist interest in Abdominal wall reconstruction.