Mr Joideep Phadnis was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a carer at Royal Sussex County Hospital
7th September 2020

My son was first referred to Mr Phadnis in November 2019 with a problem in his elbow. This was due to an injury that had happened 6 years before and had flared up. We were concerned and worried as normal parents are, Mr Phadnis was fantastic at putting us at ease. I particularly liked how he took the time to speak to my son as well as us. The personal centred care was perfect. He reacted quickly to the action that needed to be done, from the first consultation, to having keyhole surgery and responding to the results of the keyhole surgery and treating an infection was all in the matter of a couple of weeks. Explaining every detail to us along the way to ensure we all understood exactly what was going on and the expectations of the end result. We had faith in him and trusted in his skills and knowledge. I would complete recommend him and his a credit to the medical trust.

Written by a patient at The Montefiore Hospital
19th August 2020

I fell down a steep step and dislocated my shoulder and chipped a bone at the same time. I also injured my bicep muscle. I was away from home and the local hospital wasn't able to put my shoulder back, so I was transferred to another hospital who did put it back in place, but I was still in a great deal of pain as the bone was still broken. I returned to my home and visited yet another local hospital who said that I should probably have surgery, but were not keen to go any further as they said it would depend which trust would pay for it. Nearly a week had gone by this time and I wasn't getting any further and was in complete agony and unable to move my arm much at all, so I decided to try and arrange a private appointment and found Mr Phadnis operated from a hospital near by. I had an appointment for 10.30am one morning and with a lot of organisation from Mr Phadnis and the hospital, I had the operation that afternoon. I had a few problems with the bicep muscle to begin with and had a scan and steroid injections and I am pleased to say that ten months down the line, my shoulder is much improved, due to the excellent care I was given from Mr Phadnis. As well as being an extremely good surgeon, he is a very nice approachable person and I would recommend him to anyone who has a shoulder problem.

Written by a patient at Royal Sussex County Hospital
23rd July 2020

When I had my accident things looked pretty bleak, I had a fall from close to forty feet and had broken almost everything, with my right arm taking most damage. To give you an idea my Radius, Ulna and Humerus were broken, my elbow was essentially dust, the bicep had split in half and my hand was smashed. The rest of me was either broken, fractured, torn or detached. I’m a professional racing driver and brand ambassador for Ferrari and Maserati, I’ve been building my career from the age of 9 and happy to say I’ve reached the highest levels. When I awoke in hospital I was given some horrific news, I’d damaged my spine and may not walk and the trauma to my arm meant if I did walk I’d probably never race again. My mother recalls a doctor putting an arm around her and saying “We’ll try and put your son back together again”. I never imagined the total care and understanding I would receive from Mr Phadnis, He literally slowly put me back together, as promised. He has rebuilt my arm with several operations, pacifying my fears and concerns and in my mind is a genius. From being told my career is over to now having an arm that is almost as good as it was before the accident. The aftercare was amazing, and I have no hesitation in recommending Dr Phadnis. If you’re reading this about to undergo an operation, sit back and relax because you really are in the hands of a genius. I’m happy to say I’m back racing for Ferrari and planning a LeMans comeback in 2021 and all that is down to Dr Phadnis, I should probably send him some tickets!

Written by a patient at Royal Sussex County Hospital
14th July 2020

Just over a year ago I fell off the top of a ladder both shattering and dislocated my left elbow as a result. My radial head was in four bits and my arm could not be stabilised because the joint just wasn’t able to hold fast. Fortunately I was informed the best elbow surgeon in the country was going to operate on me....that’ll be Mr Phadnis then. He was an absolute marvel from the start. He did two operations in total. One to put a complex metal fixer in ( I was one of the first in the country to have it used on them apparently!). The next operation once the fixer had done it’s job was to take it out and establish what needed to be done. He told me he and his team would be ready to do whatever needed to be done after the fixer had been removed, including bone grafts or elbow replacement...they were prepared for it all. Fortunately the fixer worked well and I just needed some ligament grafts to help stabilise the elbow. Throughout this time Mr Phadnis was the consummate professional and I would echo what others have said re him being attentive, caring and thoroughly knowledgeable about his profession. My elbow will never fully be the same and I will always have some restrictions of movement, but all in all a very functional arm. After recently being discharged from his care he told me if I had any problems I should email him and he will see me again....I can’t tell you how important that was to me to know that. Thanks Mr Phadnis for being at the top of your game. Thanks to all your colleagues who all treated me so well. I will forever be in your debt.

Written by a patient at Royal Sussex County Hospital
22nd June 2020

I had a cycle accident which left me with a complicated open fracture of my humerous. I underwent surgery in Buckinghamshire to fix it, but was in agony weeks after the operation. I stayed with my daughter to help me cope with the pain but when I got to the point when I was wanting someone to amputate my arm, I presented at A & E in Brighton University Hospital. The treatment I received was second to none. Mr Phaednis operated on my arm to decompress the ulna nerve, enabling me to commence physiotherapy and hand therapy quickly. During the physiotherapy process, the metalwork in the original repair snapped and the pain was excruciating. Once again, due to pain, I wanted to have the arm amputated. Mr Phaednis responded extremely quickly and professionally. He understood immediately that I wanted to get back to cycling; he treated me in a holistic, patient centred way which reassured me and worked hard to ensure that I was operated on as quickly as he possibly could. After extensive, lengthy, and intrusive surgery to replace the metal work, take a bone graft from my hip and neaten the scar I commenced 2 years of physiotherapy and hand therapy; I’m now happily back out on my cycle. The nerve continues to heal, but mentally and physically recovery has been made possible thanks to him and I’m delighted with the result. Mr Phaednis takes pride in his work, is extremely professional, listens, is compassionate and supports you post operatively. I am very grateful for the care he provided for me ……… I could have been semi-disabled had I not received his care. He is a really pleasant, gifted, humble man. I highly recommend him for upper limb surgery.


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Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Specialist Shoulder Surgeon; Elbow Surgeon

Nearest Orthopaedic and trauma surgeons