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Written by a patient
23rd July 2020

When I had my accident things looked pretty bleak, I had a fall from close to forty feet and had broken almost everything, with my right arm taking most damage. To give you an idea my Radius, Ulna and Humerus were broken, my elbow was essentially dust, the bicep had split in half and my hand was smashed. The rest of me was either broken, fractured, torn or detached. I’m a professional racing driver and brand ambassador for Ferrari and Maserati, I’ve been building my career from the age of 9 and happy to say I’ve reached the highest levels. When I awoke in hospital I was given some horrific news, I’d damaged my spine and may not walk and the trauma to my arm meant if I did walk I’d probably never race again. My mother recalls a doctor putting an arm around her and saying “We’ll try and put your son back together again”. I never imagined the total care and understanding I would receive from Mr Phadnis, He literally slowly put me back together, as promised. He has rebuilt my arm with several operations, pacifying my fears and concerns and in my mind is a genius. From being told my career is over to now having an arm that is almost as good as it was before the accident. The aftercare was amazing, and I have no hesitation in recommending Dr Phadnis. If you’re reading this about to undergo an operation, sit back and relax because you really are in the hands of a genius. I’m happy to say I’m back racing for Ferrari and planning a LeMans comeback in 2021 and all that is down to Dr Phadnis, I should probably send him some tickets!
