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Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery

Full Age

Disability FFT 2020


Mr Dafydd 'Taff' Edwards

1 review

Mr Taff Edwards is a fellowship trained Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeon with an interest in routine and trauma upper limb surgery. He is also a proud member of the British Army and has served abroad on many occasions. He has an extensive background in numerous local and international hospitals where he practised in Trauma and Orthopaedics, Plastic Surgery, Emergency Medicine, and the care of Military personnel with complex injuries.Mr Edwards is currently a Consultant Surgeon at the Royal London Hospital, a Major Trauma Centre where he offers outstanding care to severely injured patients as well as an elective service in Hand, Wrist and Elbow surgery. He enjoys involvement in pragmatic evidence-based clinically driven research and has engaged in clinical research whilst on Fellowship in collaboration with a team of specialists expertized in their field.


  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery