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Written by a NHS patient
18th April 2021

I was a bit apprehensive when I arrived at the hospital wondering what l let myself in for. I'd never been in hospital for any kind of operation before it was a bit daunting for anybody but with it being my first in 61 years it was slightly worrying. When I arrived I was met by a lovely nurse who checked my details I was then escorted to my own room to get ready for my operation when an lovely nurse came in my room to complete the paperwork before Dr Ekwobi came in to explain the procedure I was about undertake from start to finish. He explain how he was going to undertake the operation which made feel more relaxed for what I was about to undergo. Once Dr Ekwobi explaned the in's and out's were I escorted in to the operation theatre where I was met with two more lovely nurses and Dr Ekwobi who again made me feel comfortable and told me if I felt anything that was unusual to let them know straightaway. They had music playing in the back ground which agin made me feel relaxed and during the operation we had a discussion between us like I was at the barbershop. After the operation was completed I was brought back to my room to recover and given a nice cup of tea. My experience under Dr Ekwobi and his team was great and I thank them for their support through it all.
