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Written by a patient
12th January 2018

It is almost three months since I emerged from a surgical operation performed on my esophagus and stomach at UCLH by the excellent surgeons Borzoueh Mohammadi and Nima Abbassi and backed up by their support teams. I feel super well, better than I have felt for 20 years, and am confident these superb guys work has positively impacted my life! I want to thank these gentlemen from the deepest depths of my soul for what they team have done for me. I can't imagine the skill, knowledge and resources that have made this possible. What is perhaps sometimes underestimated, but critical in my view, is the natural empathy and understanding they showed me and their genuine concern and time they offered in regards to my welfare. Many people often relate fears and negative comments relating to being in hospitals, but I found my experience at UCLH actually very uplifting on many levels. I just wanted to give you surgeons a big thanks and also to thank their surgical support team, the excellent recovery team, and of course those incredibly hard working nursing teams on T6. I am determined to look after this new investment you have provided me. My best regards, Ross Dimmock
