Miss Natasha Choudhury was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
19th October 2017

I would very much recommend Miss Choudhury. In December 2016 I had noticed a swelling on my thyroid, and initially my ultrasounds and biopsies were done with the NHS, where I then saw Miss Choudhury in September 2017. At this point, there was a possibility that the nodules could be cancerous, and having been extremely anxious about this all year, I now faced a further wait of three months on the NHS for the urgent surgery to make a diagnosis. I was able to have the surgery privately to remove half my thyroid within a week at Gatwick Park. This all went smoothly and would have been almost enjoyable if I hadn't been so anxious about the outcome. Miss Choudhury was very caring and particularly concerned that my voice should not be affected (which it wasn't) as I need my voice for my work.She struck me as being a very able surgeon, and I really liked the way she told me completely honestly what the chance was of damage, and how she as a surgeon compared to other ENT surgeons in the management of this kind of operation. It is very helpful to have clear facts and research, and it gave me confidence in her skills. Incidentally, the other staff at the hospital were lovely too, and I had good quality nursing care. My recovery was uneventful, although it was a major op, the pain was very well managed. When I returned for my outpatient appointment today, I was very relieved that the nodule was not cancerous, and was touched by Miss Choudhury's concern and sympathy, and the discussion we were able to have. Altogether it was a smooth, efficient process and I feel very fortunate to have had such a professional and transparent surgeon. It was worth every penny to have it done privately, for peace of mind in a timely manner.

Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
14th October 2017

I was very impressed by Miss Choudhury. She was obviously concerned about me and took her time to explain everything. I had the best treatment!

Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
4th October 2017

Miss Choudhury has treated me for my nasal polyps and chronic sinusitis. She performed an operation on me earlier this year and I have seen her for ongoing follow up treatment. Miss Choudhury has really helped me get a better understanding of this condition. Her advice and expertise has enabled me to better manage my symptoms and the treatment she has given me has really improved my condition. I'm very pleased with the care I have received under Miss Choudhury and I would highly recommend her. She is extremely knowledgeable, very friendly, approachable and she listens. She has also told me I can contact whenever I have any concerns which is greatly reassuring.

Written by a patient at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital
14th September 2017

My family and I am extremely grateful to Miss Choudhury for the care and treatment she provided during what was, a very traumatic week earlier in the summer. Quite out of the blue, I had a series of nosebleeds, the likes of which I never imagined were possible! I cannot previously remember having a nosebleed in adult life, and yet over a weekend period, I endured five separate events each lasting for approximately three hours. On each occasion the blood flowed, at what appeared to be, a considerable rate rather than just a drip. My family and I tried in vain to stem the flow by applying pressure, thus we sought assistance from the nearest A&E department at The Princess Royal Hospital, some 45 minutes away from home. The very busy A&E staff did their utmost to help and managed stop the nosebleeds on each visit, but were unable to provide a permanent solution. Apart from the physical discomfort and the apparent scale of blood loss, stress levels were mounting. An appointment to see my GP was hastily arranged and in turn, he swiftly organised a private referral to see Miss Choudhury at Spire Gatwick Park Hospital, just two days hence. She was very professional, yet extremely calm and reassuring as I related my tale of woe. After examination utilising a miniature camera, she carefully outlined her recommendations. My questions were thoughtfully answered and we discussed alternative treatments. Miss Choudhury then performed a cauterisation of the offending nasal vessel. The procedure was both quick and painless under local anaesthetic. I am delighted to say that the treatment was successful and that three months on, I have had no reoccurrence. Two follow-up appointments were arranged with Miss Choudhury over this period, when she completed thorough examinations. She took time to explain her findings with a positivity that puts one's mind at ease. Before finally discharging me, Miss Choudhury made it clear that she would always be available to listen to any concerns that I have going forward.

Written by a patient at Dorking Community Hospital
4th September 2017

Miss Choudhury presents as an experienced, highly professional, approachable and personable consultant. I did not have to wait beyond my appointment time to see her this morning. She was keen to know that I was happy with the outcome of the procedure she had performed and that the scar was virtually unnoticeable after only 3 months. Miss Choudhury has an excellent, positive manner. She was welcoming and was happy to answer the questions I asked. She made me feel valued as a patient. I would highly recommend Miss Choudhury to other patients. she is a credit to her profession.


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Miss Natasha Choudhury is a Consultant ENT Surgeon who provides a regional ENT service in Surrey and West Sussex. She works predominately at East Surrey and Horsham Hospitals. She also sees private patients within the local region.

Miss Choudhury has been practicing Ear, Nose and Throat surgery since 2002. She delivers a safe and patient centred approach to her practice, which includes a general elective and emergency ENT service for both adults and children. Her main clinical areas of interest are rhinology including management of allergy, sinus disease and septoplasty / nasal valve surgery. She is also the lead clinician for Thyroid and Parathyroid surgery at her NHS trust, performing about 80 operations per year. She also has expertise in management of snoring, hearing loss, tinnitus, coblation tonsillectomy and voice problems.