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Written by a patient
16th September 2018

Hi. I have had two Iguninal Hernia Operations approximately 5/6 years ago which were open, i.e. not laparoscopic. Unfortunately I suffered adhesions and nerve damage which caused me great pain. For months (years?) I suffered intense sharp shooting pain across my abdomen and sharp stabbing pain in my right outer thigh. The pain was so severe I was often doubled up in pain on the floor. The slightest thing could set it off, usually when reaching for something - a light switch, toothbrush, coffee cup, etc. Not necessarily heavy items, in fact I still had my strength, just the nerves would go off’ even if just standin still, leaving me in excruciating pain. My GP was only wanting to give me pain pills, not necessarily interested in investing what was causing the pain. Pain pills were great, but didn’t really help and I almost got hooked on them. They offered other pills but I had a bad episode with Tramadol after foot surgery a while back so didn’t want anything to take drugs. Surely there was a better way? I eventually pleaded with my GP to do something other than pain pills which clearly weren’t working. Luckily I was referred to the Pain Management at the Leicester General, under Dr. Bhayani’s care. What a relief! To finally meet someone who took the time to listen to me, was interested in what I was going through and put a course of action together to help me. I won’t go into detail here about my treatment as I believe it would be different for each person, but Dr Bhayani listened to me and supported my holistic view on my aim to get better. The best thing is Dr Bhayani is a genuinely nice guy, very easy to speak with and he has a wealth of knowledge - and listens as he has the time to listen, unlike a 10 minute GP appointment . I truly believe if I had not been referred to Pain Management and in particular Dr Bhayani I would not be where I am today. I am virtually pain free, just the odd mild spasm and/or cramping which I can live with - 180 degree turnaround from before. I am not on any pain medication, in fact no prescription at all. I am fit, and able to take regular exercise and recently climbed Ben Macdui, Scotland - something I’d not have thought I do before. Thanks to all at Pain Management st the LGH and in particular Dr. Bhayani. Regards, Brian
