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Written by a private patient
6th January 2022

It seems strange to be writing a review about a doctor, but given the circumstances I felt that I had to. For over 6 months I had been suffering from extreme abdominal pains. This had certainly affected my life – eating habits , leisure , holidays and general daily life. Virtually every day I had been experiencing pain and despite taking morphine solution was getting little relief from the discomfort. My local doctor had been very good and sympathetic but despite everything, various procedures and tests at the local hospital, we were not sure what the problem was. At one stage it was thought that it could be Diverticulitis and once I even went to A&E at the hospital with the pain but unfortunately they were not really able to help. I was referred to the hospital to see a gastroenterology specialist and on Thursday 29th December I met Dr. Rakesh Shah. Immediately I felt re-assurred and happier than I had felt in a long time. He examined me and expressed the opinion that it was probably not Diverticulitis but could in fact be an ulcer. He told me that he would arrange a CT Scan and an endoscopy and that he would follow it up himself. He was true to his word and within 6 days I had had a CT scan and within 8 days an endoscopy has been arranged. Following his advice my doctor changed my medication and immediately my condition improved. Although the situation is still ongoing,I am certainly more confident and comfortable than I have been for a long time. Given all the circumstances , Covid and the present pressure on doctors and the N.H.S. , I can only stress how grateful I am to Doctor Shah for his advice, help and involvement.
