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Dr Malcolm Finlay

7 reviews

I was appointed as Consultant Cardiologist at Barts Heart Centre and Queen Mary University of London in 2014. I qualified from Oxford University in Medicine in 2001, and gained my PhD in Cardiac Electrophysiology in 2014 from UCL, for which I held a Wellcome Trust Research Training Fellowship. I have published >30 papers in the field of cardiac arrhythmia, including recent works identifying the interplay between mental stress and propensity for abnormal heart rhythms. I continue to be actively involved in research, particularly into the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation and the use of novel technologies in investigation and treatment. I have invented several medical technologies, including the world’s first online heart simulation for education and training ( and recently I have been involved in developing all-optical ultrasound, a new imaging technique suitable for minimally invasive procedures in collaboration with UCL Medical Physics Department. My work in innovation has been recognised by my appointment to the European Heart Rhythm Association Innovations Committee and I am a faculty member for several national and international academic conferences including Heart Rhythm Congress and the EHRA. Outside of cardiology, my interests include aviation (PPL(A)), filmmaking ( and sports.


  • Cardiology