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Written by a private patient
28th January 2022

I met with Dr Ashok in order to obtain information relative to one specific condition that occurred recently, namely I had suddenly lost most of the use of my hands or more precisely fingers. I was unbale to lift /grip or push with my fingers without a great deal of pain. Dr Ashok, after a lengthy discussion as to what might be the problem, which she would be able to pin down after various blood tests, suggested in the interim I might consider a steroid injection. Having heard of and had first hand acquaintance with some friends who had very serious adverse effects from Steroids, I was rather reluctant but since the injection was to be in my 'Derriere' I agreed. Dr Ashok said that there were possibly going to be side effects from the injection which might improve a back /hip problem I had also recently begun suffering with and this proved to be the case. Not only did I regain full use of my hands but my back/ hip problems seemed to decrease to some extent. Dr Ashok warned that the effect of the injection would begin wear off after six to eight weeks and now, seven weeks after the injection, this is proving the case however she has prescribe a further course of Tablets which will hopefully prolong the effect. I am looking foreward to being able to continue with my work as a marine engineer as well as my various hobbies in the year to come.
