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Written by a patient
18th September 2018

I first saw Dr Ranasinghe on 9th August 2018 at the West Suffolk Hospital. My husband wheeled me into her surgery as I could not walk due to the swelling and blisters on my feet and legs. I had endured weeks of visits to my GP with the rash getting worse as she had no idea what it was. She finally arranged an appointment with the Dermatology Dept. after I insisted because I was getting more concerned as to the cause. Dr Ranasinghe took one look and knew immediately it was Bullous Pemphigoid a condition caused by my immune system breaking down. I cannot say how relieved my husband and I were that she identified it so quickly. She was so caring and considerate as she explained the whole thing to us and the treatment that was necessary we felt that there finally was someone who cared about me. A month later after a course of steroids and antibiotics I WALKED into Dr Ranasinghe and she was so pleased to see me doing so well it was like meeting an old friend. I am due to go back for a biopsy and then a further visit to see her but I am certain that I will be well cared for. I cannot express my gratitude strongly enough to her and her team.
