
3b Fore Street, Camelford, Cornwall, PL32 9PG 1,402 reviews




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Written by a private patient
12th October 2021

I was very nervous before my assessment. Getting a diagnosis for something you didn't realise you had, at age 57, was a challenge in itself. It has been a lifetime struggle and the idea that I could get help for it was mind-blowing. So much was riding on the appointment and, if truth be told, I was a bit of a mess. But Kirstin was wonderful. She was calm, friendly, approachable, knowledgable and made me feel very much at ease. I cannot thank the team and this service enough. My life has changed considerably since I have been receiving treatment. Three other family members have since used this service and I continue to recommend it to appropriate contacts, if asked.

Rating not given.
Written by a private patient
5th October 2021

I have always felt quite apprehensive about speaking with a psychiatrist however Dr. Denny instantly put me at ease, and as the session progressed I knew I had made the right choice. He is incredibly genuine and speaks to you with honesty. He has helped me to finally realise how I can access the help that I need and how to process my past trauma. I feel a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and sharing my story with him allowed me to start the journey to my own recovery. It is unfortunate that the NHS do not invest more in mental health services, however Dr. Denny is a genuine psychiatrist who prioritises what is best for you without any pressure of additional costs. I do wish I could have more sessions with him, as he is a fantastic Doctor.

Written by a NHS patient
3rd October 2021

The wait times for titration were initially very long due to excess demand, but apart from that, the level of care was very good. At the end of it, I am very satisfied with my experience.

Rating not given.
Written by a NHS patient
28th September 2021

Due to the pandemic, I have been treated remotely by this clinic. They have been clear and professional throughout my wait for a diagnosis. They provided clear instructions, the paperwork needed, and reminders about my appointment. Recommended

Written by a NHS patient
28th September 2021

I cannot recommend the team at psychiatry uk enough. Dr David Bickerton was so kind, attentive and compassionate in every meeting we had. It was the first time I felt truly understood and listened to. He was very comforting throughout my initial assessment which was quite emotional at times especially when talking about my crippling imposter syndrome. My nurse Andrew was also incredible. He responded quickly and thoughtfully and listened to what I needed from my medication. He made adjustments quickly and was very reassuring through the titration process. I’ve just been signed off and I can’t begin to express how much this process has improved my life. My teaching is better than ever, I am a better friend and girlfriend, my confidence has sky rocketed and I’m seeing excellent results in the gym due to a renewed focus. I won’t ever be able to thank David or Andrew enough for what they’ve done for me. I thought every day was supposed to feel like a struggle, like I was wading through deep water with a strong current. Now the water is gone and I feel like I can finally be the best me (cheesy but true!).

Written by a NHS patient
23rd September 2021

I had an online ADHD assessment where I was given a diagnosis. I felt that the 50 minute slot that I had was not enough time, I wanted more information on my diagnosis and I felt that there was too much time spent on explain treatment options and not enough time discussing my ADHD itself. I thought that the session would involve a test to determine the diagnosis but it seems that there is no such test. I also assumed that I would be asked more questions and would have more time to explain myself, instead I was interrupted a lot. I felt like the doctor just took my word for it that I have symptoms of ADHD and diagnosed me based on that.

Rating not given.
Written by a NHS patient
22nd September 2021

I’m truly grateful for the care and support I got from Psychiatry UK. It hasn’t been an easy road, but it’s been well worth it. Special thanks go to Dr Lesa Wright, and Jenny Winnard for the diagnosis and successful titration. A truly life-changing journey for which I’m exceptionally grateful.

Rating not given.
Written by a private patient
20th September 2021

Dr Yueng is amazing she is very responsive and goes over and above to help. I still can't believe how quick the process has been. Her advice has been invaluable and will change our lives for the better. Admin team are also great and friendly. If you need help contact Psychiatry UK. The whole process is seamless. Would highly recommend.

Written by a NHS patient
20th September 2021

After initially starting my ADHD diagnosis process via my local GP and feeling dismissed, unheard and a little hopeless with a potential few year wait with a clinic with bad reviews of diagnosis ADHD in adults (including a few reviews suggesting they have said if you have completed a degree you can't have ADHD) , Psychiatry UK have been an absolute godsend before I even had my first contact with them. Their website is helpful with so much useful information and I feel like without their information and template letter on the NHS Right to Choose I wouldn't have been re-referred at all. Dealing with P-UK has been great- the first phone had to book an appointment was incredibly quick and the person I dealt with was really empathetic. I was surprised at how quick it was and really grateful and nearly in tears and he just kept emphasising that it should be the norm and access to services for adults with ADHD should be easier. All forms were sent out to fill out prior to assessment and was easy to understand. I had a video assessment with Dr Bindman who was professional, fantastic and helpful. She apologised that we had a shorter time for the assessment than she would have liked so went through things really quickly- which I really appreciated as it touched on some things I find hard to talk about but she never made me feel uncomfortable. I think it was about an hour appointment (I may have that wrong though) and in that time as well as assessing me she picked up on things I had never considered- including Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder and a few other things. After the appointment I felt like a huge weight had been lifted. I was worried for days before the appointment that I was overreacting and I didn't have ADHD. Getting my diagnosis has been life changing, has made me reassess things I struggle with daily and find new ways to deal with them. Afterwards Dr Bindman sent me a list of resources that have been really helpful- including the Sleepio sleep course that has changed my relationship with sleep for the better and I now have considerably less sleep issues. Her report from my assessment was detailed too and helpful to look back on. The titration service has been brilliant and has taken a few months of slowly increasing doses of Xaggatin XL and weekly reporting of my blood pressure, heart rate and weight. I felt heard when I said that I was having bad side effects and was given good advice early on to curb side effects that went away soon after. I am now on a stable dose of medication that is controlling the symptoms that made my life harder and I am finding daily life easier. Thank you so much, I am incredibly grateful for your service, your advocacy and your professional and caring staff members. In the past when I have sought help for anxiety, depression and some past physical health issues I haven't had the best experiences and it's made me weary of seeking help, I can't recommend this service enough. It's been a great and life changing experience, thank you.

Written by a NHS patient
16th September 2021

Had an assessment with Dr. Stockmann, he's a younger doctor and new to the team. I did not come away feeling good about this assessment, though he listened and asked questions regularly I felt in general he seemed dismissive. It felt like he had researched a bunch of textbook facts on ADHD and he was adamant that meds were not the best form of treatment; instead changes to my "environment" would help. He suggested getting a "planner" to help with my organization issues which whilst I agree can be helpful was not the *specialist* advice I expected to receive. I struggle with focusing and no amount of planning is going to change that if it's DOING that's the problem. If you want to go down the medication route (which I did, and many people do and have had a LOT of success with it) then this probably is not the doctor for you. He encourages you to do everything else and use medication as a last resort rather than taking medication and simultaneously building your habits as some of us would much prefer. Which all in all is not a bad thing that he suggests this, I respect him for that, but being one-sided and biased is not useful to me as the patient. He's not a bad doctor at all. He was kind and respectful, and for the most part understanding. Some of the points he made about ADHD being triggered by your environment were interesting (hence why this wasn't a 1 star review). I am not saying he doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm saying he didn't have the compassion or the bedside manner I was looking for. He is supposed to guide me, and I felt like he dismissed me and my struggles chalking it to my stressful "environment". As the patient I should be given the facts and be allowed to choose the way forward. If I choose ADHD coaching/therapy/non-medication route that's fine. If I choose the medication route I should be able to do so without judgement and be fully supported throughout the process. He seems like he needs more experience with treating people with ADHD. Saying he is an "ADHD specialist" is not truthful though as I got the impression he didn't have much research (or any other) specific experience with ADHD, and I don't like that PUK said that he was a specialist when asked. His advice to me at the end was very generic. Something your GP would say or just about every NT person out there. He didn't seem to know any recent studies which was frustrating for a patient who comes to the "specialist" to look for answers. If I come to you (a specialist) it's because I have exhausted every other option. I do not come to get dismissed. You need a doctor you can trust and one you can connect to, this wasn't the case for me unfortunately. By the end, I came away feeling like Dr. Stockmann gave me the diagnosis as a means to the end. He made it seem like having a confirmed diagnosis would get me the support I otherwise wouldn't have been able to access and I should make the most out of it. But I have struggles and a life outside of studying, and I shouldn't be told generic advice that I already knew many years ago and simply told to "adapt" to my environment. Do better. To the doctors reading this, if you are treating people for ADHD then do your research. Read those studies and don't come out with "there is no biological component involved" because that's untrue to an extent and extremely belittling to hear. Be impartial. Of course make the patients aware of the risk but give them the options to choose from. To the Women reading this: If you are a woman seeking a diagnosis DON'T let the doctors/specialists dismiss you and your struggles. I didn't get through half of my points in the session which was extremely frustrating as he was aware of how little time we had. If the first doc dismisses you, go to the next, and the next, and the next. This is your life. You deserve answers. Yes this process can be extremely draining, but getting a diagnosis in itself is important as its what allows you to access the best (most beneficial) thing: treatment. The admin team at PUK was great, they listened and have helped me with getting treatment from a different doctor moving forward. Thank you.

Rating not given.
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Psychiatry-UK was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.

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