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Written by a NHS patient
5th May 2021

I’ve spent probably 40 of my 43 years on earth thinking that I was broken. That everything was just harder for me than for everyone else. That I would always struggle with certain things that came naturally to other people. That I would forever be frustrated to the point of screaming because I just couldn’t do things other people didn’t even have to put thought into doing. I’ve seen doctors. I’ve been on antidepressants and anti anxiety meds. I’ve read every book ever written on both those subjects. I’ve tried CBT, DBT and ACT and have plenty of books on those, too. Thing is, I never did manage to stick to any of what I learned for very long before flitting off looking for the next thing. I never ask for help because I find human verbal interaction intensely uncomfortable. Do you know why? I have ADHD/ASD. I had my appointment and after an hour of talking to the doctor I cried with relief for another 3 hours because suddenly everything made absolute perfect sense. Suddenly I could name the thing and as we know from Rumpelstiltskin, when you name a thing it loses some of its power. The fact that I have both explains why, even when I did suspect maybe I had one or the other, I immediately assumed it couldn’t be because I am not 100% of either. I obsessing crave the next dopamine fox but I am not untidy. I can’t deal with verbal interaction and I can hear the noise of electricity but I such at math. Thank you NHS Right to Choose because I could not live with my mind for 12-24 months waiting for a local PCT assessment and thank you from the genuine deepest bottom of my heart Psychiatry UK for actually, to just OMG insta hashtag, changing my life.

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