
King George Hospital

Barley Lane, Goodmayes, Ilford, EssexEngland, IG3 8YB
196,999 reviews




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Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
29th May 2024

I really encountered horrible experience right from the time the Ambulance took me until the discharge without being reviewed properly by the doctors or advise on medications. Sime of the nurses were rude and keep saying you need to calm down. I was sitting in a chair waiting to be seen by doctor for 26 hours and I need to calm down ? I was administered medication stating its for my dizziness and later concluded it was a sleeping pill to silence me ? Did you all wanted to kill me ? Who gives sleeping pill after I came with complaint of extreme low blood pressure and low glucose levels ?

Suggested improvements
Change the nurseling staff who are rude and abusive to patients You guys have the banner no abuse and the fact is you are all abusive to patients There was only 1 nurse who was good and was kind to me and her name is Hilda. There wad also a rude Filipino man who after 11 hours of wait when asked when will I be seen advising me to remove canula and sign the discharge papers and leave the hospital What kind of support is this ?

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
29th May 2024

I was in hospital for over 12 hours. I phoned 111 who told me to go in as I had severe pain in my Lower back and stomach right side that pain killers didn’t help. I had a urine test then bloods. I wasn’t told that a Canulla was going to be put in. It was just done and badly. I have a very bad bruise and it’s been over a week now. I was told the bloods would take 2 hours and I actually had to wait over 5 to get them and they came back normal. I asked for pain relief and was given oral morph which helped slightly but wore off. I then asked again for some more a few hours later and had to wait over 2 hours for pain relief at which point I was in agony as the pain was sooo bad. I was crying. Then eventually I was sent for an ultra sound and internal exam. Which also came back normal so after 12 hours I was told there wasn’t anything wrong and to go home. My blood pressure dropped so low because I couldn’t eat. I’m so none the wiser as to what actually happened. All the staff apart form reception were rude and dismissive. No communication what so ever

Suggested improvements
Communicate and not lie about times. When someone asks for pain relief don’t wait 2 hours to give it to them

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
29th May 2024

Great service

Suggested improvements

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
29th May 2024

Overall I was very satisfied with the service considering it was a bank holiday

Suggested improvements
Maybe speed up the process of giving a quick diagnosis after various tests which are woefully long and difficult on patients.

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
29th May 2024

Your doctors need to deal with 1 patient at a time I was dealt with 3 times and every time they had all the wrong details about other patients and up to today I still think they gave me wrong results to me as they was talking about a MRI and I never had a MRI on my head I had ex-ray on my back not on my head so I came away from there not knowing what was wrong and I am in more pain now as the days are going on they need less haste more speed

Suggested improvements
Not run around doing loads of patients in one time deal with one get the CORRECT information deal with the patient send them home or to a word instead of having all these patients with bits and pieces done and dealing with 10 patients at one time getting the patient all Muddled up you make more work for yourself like this it’s a mess in A&E shameful way to work

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
29th May 2024

Waited 6 hours and left without being seen as I wasn’t feeling well, I had a c sec and it was oozing and painful on top of that I had palpitations and was tired at 12:30 am so I had to leave without being seen by dr.

Suggested improvements
Please prioritise postpartum mums and also reduce waiting time

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
29th May 2024

I was left in excruciating pain and was left sitting in a chair without pain relief for 7 hours before being seen by the Dr. When I was finally seen, the doctor was abrupt and changed my words when asking what's wrong, he told me what I was saying was incorrect. I was then sent out of the room and put in a corridor next to the main door and left until 4am. The nurses who carried out my bladder scan pushed so hard and really hurt my stomach. She literally climbed onto my bed to be able to use her body weight to push down harder on my stomach!. I was left without any means of food as the dinner lady kept refusing me and walking past, causing me to have to shout at her to give me something to eat. When I finally got sent through for my MRI scan I waited for the results to then be rushed to Queens hospital for emergency operation. I am disgusted with how the staff have no concern for their patients or wellbeing. After being transferred to Queen's hospital I was treated really well and actually felt cared about whilst being in hospital.

Suggested improvements
Retraining staff how to carry out simple scans without really hurting the patients. Make sure patients are not left hungry in the corridors. Doctor to actually listen to the paitent without trying to predict what's wrong.

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
29th May 2024

Good service and support. Satisfied

Suggested improvements
Improve the waiting times for diagnostic test as inpatient.

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
29th May 2024

Hello I really appreciate for all . But when I arrived to the reception the man was not so welcoming.maybe he was tired.

Suggested improvements
No idea because everything was good

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
Review of King George’s - Accident & Emergency
29th May 2024

Overall a very unpleasant experience. Waiting time wa s ridiculous. At one point treated by a student nurse inserting a canula clearly didn't have any experience and made the simple procedure excruciatingly painful. 2nd memorable moment. Another student doctor was supposed to be doing the ECG. Kept waiting for an hour only only to realise the machine was not plugged in hence the 'equipment is not working' No communication between different department. A&E Dept sent us back to UDC because they could not proceed without 'notes' which we were never given in the first place Xray department sent us back to UDC for the referral paper to be counter signed as the doctor had marked up the wrong shoulder (left instead of right) The above is just some of the issues that come to mind.

Suggested improvements
I'm really sorry to leave such a negative feedback. I work in the public sector and appreciated the challenges faced for number of reasons. But this experience felt like the hospital was run by a bunch of amateurs.

Doctor communication
Communication nurse
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